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What’s Happening

This is not Good Bye

03/02/16 Olathe Middle/High

I cannot say how proud I am of all the students who participated in the Sun Buddies. We will still have our Video Contests, but will also meet to decide how to celebrate our 3 years as a club and 3 years of reaching 100% power points. We will continue to post pictures and announcements for the rest of the year. We may have to retire Gavin’s Power Patrol badge. He enjoyed the clip board and check list way too much! Way to go OMHS!

Recycle Poster Contest

02/24/16 Oak Grove Elementary

Oak Grove Planeteers are signing up to to complete the Recycling Poster Mission. This contest is for original student artwork that supports the theme of recycling to save our planet. Entries are due to Ms. Madrid or Ms. Brown by April 1, 2016 (no April fools here).

Sun Buddies at Work

02/23/16 Olathe Middle/High

Sun Buddies are interviewing teaching staff, students, cooks, custodies, secretaries and anyone else in the school using the surveys. They will be out in force every morning this week. On Friday Sun Buddies will meet to compile data. Other Sun Buddies are using this week to do more power patrols and encourage fellow students to take action and take the pledge. It seems people forget and go back to their old ways when not encouraged to conserve. Go Sun Buddies!

Sun Buddies at Work

02/23/16 Olathe Middle/High

Sun Buddies are interviewing teaching staff, students, cooks, custodies, secretaries and anyone else in the school using the surveys. They will be out in force every morning this week. On Friday Sun Buddies will meet to compile data. Other Sun Buddies are using this week to do more power patrols and encourage fellow students to take action and take the pledge. It seems people forget and go back to their old ways when not encouraged to conserve. Go Sun Buddies!

SUN BUDDIES Video Competition

02/22/16 Olathe Middle/High

The Sun Buddies are getting the whole school involved in creating videos! We holding video contest with the top two teams earning a Pizza Party! PEOPLE POWER PLANET VIDEO CONTEST

Power Pledge presentations make a difference!

02/21/16 Pomona Elementary

Just to let you know Brock and his partner did a great job last week in the Kinder classroom. Orion got really upset when he saw me take the water bottle that had a little water left in it to the sink.

Sun Buddies Back in Business

02/19/16 Olathe Middle/High

After a short break for basketball season Sun Buddies met this morning to make plans for completing our semester challenges. Discussion around a video contest and how to complete the survey were held. More info to come.

Poster Contest

02/10/16 Northside Elementary

Students are participating in a poster contest after reading some of the books purchased by the award money. Thanks to our wonderful art teacher, Elvira Butler, every class is a winner!


02/10/16 Northside Elementary

STUDENTS will vote for their favorite poster, placing their their choice in Mrs. Butler’s VALENTINE BOX.

Patrol Officers

02/10/16 Northside Elementary

We have an official, after school Patrol Student Officer: Joey is trained and training the teachers to use the Engery Save Button on the copy machine! He has his classroom check list and checks it twice! We gave him one of the light balls and a cap!